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STAINLESS HEAT SHIELD FOR KENMORE 14117860, 141165400, 141166400, 14117337, 141173372, 141173379, 141176400 (3-PK) GAS MODELS

Original price was: CAD105.90.Current price is: CAD69.85.


Fits Kenmore : 14117860, 141165400, 141166400, 14117337, 141173372, 141173379, 141176400, 141152271, 141.15337, 141.153372, 141153370, 141153371, 141153372, 141153373, 141153371, 14115401, 141155400, 141155401, 141156400, 141157900, 141157901, 141157902, 141157940, 141157941, 141157950, 141157951, 141157980, 141157981, 141157990, 14115220, 14115221, 14115222, 141152270, 141.15227, 141.152270, 141.152271, 141.15337, 141.153371, 141.153372, 141.153373, 141.15401, 141.1554, 141.155400, 141.155401, 141.15640, 141.156400, 141.15790, 141.157900, 141.157901, 141.157902, 141.15794, 141.157940, 141.157941, 141.15795, 141.157950, 141.157951, 141.15798, 141.157980, 141.157981, 141.15799, 141.157990, 141.157991, 141.165400, 141.1664, 141.166400, 141.1686, 141.168600, 141.17227, 141.17337, 141.173371, 141.173372, 141.173373, 141.173379, 141.1764, 141.17640, 141.176400, 141.1786, 141.17860, 141.16690, 15227, 152271, 15337, 153371, 153372, 153373, 15401, 1554, 155400, 155401, 156400, 157900, 157901, 157902, 157940, 157941, 157950, 157951, 157980, 157981, 157990, 157991, 16217, 162170, 16219, 162190, 165400, 166400, 168600, 17227, 17337, 173372, 173379, 176400, 17860, 259.16217, 259.16219, 141.17860, 259.162170, 259.162190
Used with CIKR, CIKO2 Burner
Dimensions : 13-1/8″ x 10-9/16″
Material : Stainless Steel
Compatible Part Numbers : 97061, P1733A, P01705016E, 97491, MCM97491, P1733B, P1733A, 97491, p01705015e, MCM999749117

We Highly Recommend That You Measure The Size Of Your Original Parts and Compare Them To What We Have Listed Before Your Order.